Step 1 – Eligibility

MEI students must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident with a Canadian Social Insurance Number.

Step 2 – Review Awards Directory

Before beginning the application process, it’s important to review the list of awards to determine which ones you meet the criteria for. A full description of awards can be found by clicking the button below. You may apply for as many awards as you are eligible for.

The application form will include a checklist for you to select the awards you are applying for.


Step 3 – Application Form

Please complete the MEI Friends & Alumni Awards Application Form.

Once you have completed this form, a new screen will appear with “. . .”in the top right corner of this page – please select “Print response”. Then, provide signatures on questions #24 and #25 of the printed application form.

Please note: this application does not allow you to save your response and continue later. Please be prepared to submit your response. The application will request information such as contact info, post-secondary education plans, community and volunteer activities, and extracurricular activities.


STEP 4 – Reference Letter

A reference letter, in a sealed envelope, must be submitted with your printed application. The letter should be written by an adult who is not a relative.

Optional: You may also complete a REFERENCE LETTER REQUEST to give to your reference. This sheet will provide the person writing your reference letter with additional information about your background, including your volunteer and work experience, as well as your post-secondary education goals. The “reference letter request” should not be included in the application package.

STEP 5 – Financial Planning Worksheet

Complete the following financial plan, based on your plans for the first two years after high school graduation.


STEP 6 – Submit Application Package

Now that you’ve finished all the required steps, gather your documents to submit your application. Please ensure you have printed a completed copy of each of the following:

  1. A printed copy of the application form, signed by you and your parent / legal guardian
  2. One reference letter, in a sealed envelope
  3. Financial Planning Worksheet

Please submit your application package to Mrs. J. Neufeld in Student Services by 3:30 pm on Wednesday, February 12th, 2025.

Award recipients will be notified at the MEI Graduation Ceremonies in June. If you have any questions about the application package, please contact Mrs. J. Neufeld.