
September 17, 2017

MEI Schools Class of 1987 had a blast together for their 30 year reunion at the home of Stewart & Gwen Schmidt on Saturday, September 16, 2017. There are a ton of old photos, and even a grad video posted in their MEI Class of ’87 30th Reunion group on Facebook, for any classmates who have not yet reconnected. Thank you to Stew and Gwen for graciously hosting, and to all your reunion organizers for bringing your group together!


September 2017 marked 30 years since the class of 1987 graduated 114 people strong. We commemorated the event with approximately 35 folks attending a one-evening reunion hosted at Stew and Gwen Schmidt’s house. We had an amazing BBQ supper event including Mennonite farmer sausage of course! All agreed that it was great that we could come together and celebrate that a group of people with all different backgrounds made it through an event in life called high school.  It was wonderful to see how everybody connected once again with obviously a whole different outlook on life now! Really want to thank the grad committee including Dave Letkemann, Jeff Dyck, Rob Quiring, Shari Heinrichs, Denise Baier, Stew Schmidt and a lot of help from Bonnie Hughes – I can still hear the laughing from all the memories of the past and thankfully some new ones being created as well!

Submitted by Stewart Schmidt, MEI Class of 1987

Previously Posted

An MEI Class of 1987 30 year reunion will be held Saturday, September 16, 2017 (5:00 pm) at the home of Stewart & Gwen Schmidt.


Join MEI Class of ’87 30th Reunion group on Facebook

Reunion organizers will be charging $50 per person for chicken and farmer sausage BBQ, potatoes, veggies, salads and a top secret dessert.  All payments are due no later than September 6, 2017 and are to be made via e-transfer to

Please contact David Letkemann (phone: 604-864-9399 | email: to get involved / to be updated as plans form.
