
June 22, 2017

Thank you to the Abbotsford Community Foundation, MEI Schools Friends & Alumni* donors, and other organizations who have offered awards to 58 MEI graduates this year. A total of 89 scholarship/bursary awards totalling just over $170,000 were recognized at the June 14, 2017 graduation ceremonies.



Aulakh, Gurkiran DSC_5335Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
Bargen, Carson DSC_5336Briercrest Athletic Scholarship Brad Knodel
Dogwood District Authority Award Brad Knodel
Berger, Cassidy DSC_5337Boughen Family Award Keaton Boughen
DSC_5338Otter Co-op Scholarship Henry Zukowski
Borseth, Jonah DSC_5339Charlene Reaveley Children’s Charity Bursary Jennifer Reaveley
DSC_5340Frieda T. Wiens Memorial Award Linda Wiens
Choi, Hanul DSC_5341Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
DSC_5343 University of Alberta Faculty of Science Academic Excellence Scholarship Greg Dyck
Claggett, Kyle DSC_5344Abbotsford Police City Basketball Tournament Award – Kinfolk Real Estate Group Constable Lamarche
Dhillon, Avneet DSC_5346Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
DSC_5347 University of Waterloo President’s Scholarship Greg Dyck
Dueck, Hailey DSC_5348Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
Dyck, Madelyne DSC_5349Trinity Western University Deans’ Scholarship Tim Shulba
Edwards, Alexis DSC_5351Abbotsford 2004 BC Summer Games Legacy Award Rick Thiessen
Ens, Nathan DSC_5352Evergreen Alumni Award Marcus Janzen
Eusebio, David DSC_5353Dogwood District Authority Award Aileen Vildort
Filewood, Taylor DSC_5354Abbotsford Community Foundation Award Judy Redekop
Frew, Simon DSC_5355Dogwood District Authority Award Chad Joiner
DSC_5356 Otto Guggenheimer Memorial Award John Guggenheimer
Friesen, Dawson DSC_5357Dogwood District Authority Award Rick Thiessen
Friesen, Holly DSC_5358 Dogwood District Authority Award Deanna Dick
Friesen, Isabelle DSC_5359Dogwood District Authority Award Andi Murray
Funk, Alissa DSC_5360 Abbotsford Dental Group Award Dr. Richard Chan
Funk, Maddy DSC_5361 VIP Mazda Award Andi Murray
Gill, Puneet DSC_5362 Royal Canadian Legion Br. #15 Award Christian Girard
Huberts, Ashley DSC_5364Dogwood District Authority Award Rick Thiessen
DSC_5363Mark Redekop Memorial Award Judy Redekop
Huebner, Alexa DSC_5365Mary Esau Memorial Award Vi Reddekopp
DSC_5366Mission Community Foundation Hollister Trinity Western University General Fund Award Joe Heslip
Janzen, Kayla DSC_5367Dr. Garry Gill Award Greg Dyck
DSC_5368 Trinity Western University Dean’s Scholarship Tim Shulba
Kasdorf, K.J. DSC_5369John A. & Muriel Murphy Memorial Award Byron Fast
Knodel, Lynden DSC_5370Abundance Canada Spirit of Generosity Award Brad Friesen
DSC_5371 Canadian Mennonite University Outtatown Leadership Scholarship Henry Zukowski
Dogwood District Authority Award Henry Zukowski
Kornelsen, Matthew DSC_5372 University of the Fraser Valley Excellence Entrance Scholarship Shawn Good
Letkeman, Alexa DSC_5374Mary Esau Memorial Award Vi Reddekopp
DSC_5373 University of the Fraser Valley Excellence Entrance Scholarship Shawn Good
Letkemann, Jake DSC_5375Abbotsford Rotary Club Award Vijay Manuel
DSC_5376 Dogwood District Authority Award Chad Joiner
Lin, Abbey DSC_5377 Dogwood District Authority Award Andi Murray
Liu, Charlie DSC_5378 MEI International Student Scholarship Kevin Lynn
Loewen, Colton DSC_5379BC Boys’ High School Tournament Alumni Scholarship Brad Knodel
Dogwood District Authority Award Brad Knodel
Otter Co-op Scholarship Brad Knodel
DSC_5380Trinity Western University President’s Scholarship, Spartan’s Athletic Scholarship and the TWU Alumni Athletic Bursary Tim Shulba
Loomba, Sonali DSC_5382ARHCC Medical Staff Association Award Greg Dyck
DSC_5381 Clearbrook Grain & Milling Award Melinda Friesen
Los, Jenisa DSC_5384Trinity Western University President’s Scholarship Tim Shulba
DSC_5383 Valley Women’s Network Award Lynne O’Keefe & Bev Touzel
Los, Michala DSC_5385Bertram A. Bickford Memorial Award Judy Redekop
DSC_5386Trinity Western University President’s Scholarship Tim Shulba
Marazzi, Karissa Dogwood District Authority Award Rick Thiessen
DSC_5387 Frank Huston Memorial Award Rick Thiessen
McLauren, Michelle DSC_5388Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
McLauren, Samantha DSC_5390Calder-Giacchini Memorial Award Judy Redekop
Mulama, Aaron DSC_5391 Boughen Family Award Keaton Boughen
DSC_5392 University of British Columbia Okanagan Athletic Award Gary Funk
Neudorf, Colton DSC_5393Chutskoff Family Award in Band Alexandra Chutskoff
Neudorf, Dylan DSC_5394Beehive Rebekah Lodge #67 Award Judy Redekop
Neufeldt, Sarah DSC_5395Rachel Thiessen Memorial Award Catherine Ratzlaff
Offereins, Garrett DSC_5397 Abbotsford Minor Hockey Award Mandy Gill
DSC_5396 Chutskoff Family Award in Hockey Alexandra Chutskoff 
Pederson, Jillian Dogwood District Authority Award Aileen Vildort
DSC_5399 MEI Leadership Award Mark Thiessen
DSC_5400 Mission Community Foundation Dirk Boswyk Memorial Fund Award Joe Heslip
DSC_5398University of Victoria Entrance Scholarship Aileen Vildort
Penner, Marty DSC_5401Dogwood District Authority Award Chad Joiner
Randhawa, Japjeet DSC_5402Complete Eye Care Optometry Award Heather McBride
Sherwood, Jillian DSC_5403Boughen Family Award for Trinity Western University Keaton Boughen
DSC_5404 Trinity Western University Provost’s Scholarship Tim Shulba
Smith, Cade Dogwood District Authority Award Rick Thiessen
DSC_5405 University of Hawai’i Manoa Academic Merit Scholarship, International Merit Award Scholarship, International Excellence Scholarship and Athletic Award Rick Thiessen
Unger, Daniel DSC_5406 Royal Military College Saint-Jean Scholarship Christian Girard
Unrau, Blake Dogwood District Authority Award Byron Fast
DSC_5407EP Industries Trades Award Byron Fast
DSC_5408 Mierau Contractors Ltd. Award Julie & Jaylene Mierau
Vilio, Abi DSC_5409Dogwood District Authority Award Andi Murray
DSC_5410Trinity Western University President’s Scholarship Tim Shulba
Wang, Shay  DSC_5411 Carleton University Entrance Scholarship Kevin Lynn
MEI International Student Scholarship Kevin Lynn
Wardle, Makena DSC_5412Dogwood District Authority Award Henry Zukowski
Wiebe, Jada DSC_5413Neil & Rita Klassen Award Laurie Klassen & Erin Parkes
Wood, Danielle DSC_5414Abbotsford Lions Club Award Christian Girard
Xu, Celia DSC_5415York University Entrance Scholarship Kevin Lynn
York, Paige DSC_5416Boughen Family Award Keaton Boughen
Zacharias, Sandra DSC_5417Columbia Bible College Church Match Bursary Ashley Funk
Zhou, Benji DSC_5418 MEI International Student Scholarship Kevin Lynn

Thank you to the Abbotsford Community Foundation, MEI Schools Friends & Alumni* donors, and other organizations for your support of the ongoing pursuits of MEI Schools grads with these awards.

If you or your business would like more information about contributing to the MEI Friends and Alumni Awards, please contact the MEI Advancement Office [ P: 604-859-3700 ext 326 E: ]

MEI Friends and Alumni Award Donors
  • A440 Foundation in recognition of involvement in the music program at MEI and pursuing post-secondary education in business.
  • Boughen Family in recognition of students pursuing post-secondary education (one award is specifically for pursuing TWU).
  • Chutskoff Family in recognition of outstanding effort in the MEI Band or Hockey Program, for contributing significantly to this program and for demonstrating Christian character.
  • Clearbrook Grain & Milling in recognition of a student pursuing a career in Agriculture, Science or Business with a minimum grade 12 average of 80% or higher and demonstrating servanthood through volunteer activities.
  • EP Industries in recognition of enrollment in Construction or Secondary School Apprenticeship (SSA), has a B or higher in related courses, a positive attitude and excellent work ethic, and is planning to pursue post-secondary education/career in Trades.  Also, demonstrates financial need.
  • Evergreen Alumni in recognition of participation in at least one Arts related activity, a school Athletic activity, school and community related service and who is planning to attend a post-secondary institution.
  • Fraser Valley Oral Surgery in recognition of a student, preferably with financial need, who is pursuing a career in Health Sciences.
  • Klassen Foundation in recognition of involvement in the community, has an interest in missions, demonstrates leadership skills and has a strong work ethic.
  • Mary Esau Memorial in recognition of good academic standing with an excellent work ethic who demonstrates financial need and who is pursuing post-secondary education/career in Nursing or Education program; maintaining a 3.0 GPA.
  • Otto Guggenheimer Memorial in recognition of excellence in Math and Physics.
  • VIP Mazda in recognition of academic achievement.