
January 1, 2017

Senior Basketball games are cancelled for tonight (Friday, February 3rd, 2017) & the MEI campus is closed due to snow. 


Previously Posted:

An MEI COMMUNITY “ALL-PLAY” — meaning we want to see you ALL here on Friday, Feb. 3! This is a “can’t miss” event! Wear your vintage MEI Jackets / Blue & Gold, and cheer on our basketball teams. Also featuring MEI Marching Band, MEI Concert Choir.
— FREE —
— Door Prizes —

Friday, Feb. 3, 2017 at MEI Secondary
[Updated] Sr. Girls MEI vs. Tweedsmuir @ 6:00 pm
Seniors Night: Recognizing graduating bball players
Sr. Boys MEI vs. ABBY @ 8:00 pm


VIDEO: Pep Rally at #meielementary by Sr. Basketball Teams… see you Friday night at 6pm | 8pm!

A video posted by Vijay Manuel (@headofschools) on

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