
April 15, 2024

Team Abbotsford / Mission: Making a Difference Locally

A remarkable group of students dedicated the first week of their Spring Break to serving the less fortunate in our own community. Utilizing Camp Luther as our base of operations, each day saw us loading up the bus and heading out to support nearby ministries in any way possible. It was very exciting to rekindle many of the connections with organizations we established last year. From sanding and painting to cleaning, sorting toys and food, and distributing meals, we immersed ourselves in meaningful tasks that would continue to make an impact long after we were gone. Our students embraced the week wholeheartedly, making new friendships and discovering firsthand many opportunities to show kindness to our community in very practical ways. Along the way, they hand numerous chances to witness the Church truly being the Church – so good! For more highlights, follow us on Instagram (@meiteamabbymission2024).

Team was led by Brad Knodel and Andrea Mills
Anticipated fundraising target: $500
> Donate

Team Mexico

Our team had the privilege to go to Casa de Luz in Primo Tapia, Mexico to help with the VBS services at Casa de Luz, remaking the Casa de Luz staff room, and many more maintenance jobs that Casa de Luz needed help with. The theme of our VBS volunteer times was self-control, and we got the chance to make and present a skit to the kids at Casa de Luz on how to practice self-control. We took a tour around Primo Tapia, where we were staying, and it really showed how many people need our help, support, and the need of God in their lives. We were able to do many maintenance jobs around Casa de Luz, such as painting the gates and fences around The Base where we were sleeping and eating, painting the walls of the dental clinic that they were building, and painted some other stuff around the business they have called “Buen Taco”. On our last full day there, we had the opportunity to go out into the poorer region of Primo Tapia to hand out bags of food, toiletries, and other necessities that could help them for two weeks. We saw a lot of physically injured and poor people, but even though they did not have much, their faith in God was great and that moved the hearts of all the students on the trip. Everyone in our group grew so much with their faith in God, their willingness to serve, and their compassion for those in need. We had a great team, leaders, and the best time ever!

Team was led by Chelsea Heinrichs and Amber Balzer
Anticipated fundraising target: $2000 > Donate

Team Northern Thailand

Team Northern Thailand embarked on a transformative service trip, where they journeyed to Mae Phrao, Chiang Khong, and Chiang Mai partnering with a Thai Team headed by Chaloerm (a pastor in Mae Phrao). Throughout their journey, they engaged in a variety of impactful activities aimed at spreading Jesus’ love and compassion. They dedicated themselves to prayer ministry, offering heartfelt prayers for the communities they encountered. Additionally, they organized vibrant kids’ camps, providing a safe and joyful space for children to learn, play, and grow. Their journey also included preaching and sharing personal testimonies, inspiring others with their faith and experiences. Through their dedication and service, these students left a lasting impact on the communities they visited, embodying the spirit of compassion and kindness.

Team was led by Jon and Bonnie Esau
Anticipated fundraising target: $3500 > Donate

Team Thailand-Cambodia

The Thailand Cambodia service learning team split its time between Chonburi, Thailand and Poipet, Cambodia over fifteen days at Spring Break. In Chonburi, the team enjoyed supporting and learning about the Abundant Life Home orphanage run by Ricky and Karen Sanchez, YWAM missionaries. In Poipet, the team stayed at the YWAM base and loved interacting with the students and staff there. They also had the privilege of serving at the Love in Christ school (run by Borey, the “Mother Teresa of Cambodia”) in the slums of Poipet. Tourist days included a visit to Angkor Wat in Cambodia and a boat ride on the Chao Phraya river in Bangkok. Students and leaders were impacted in so many ways over the course of the trip.

Team was led by Mark Thiessen and Jen Torio
Anticipated fundraising target: $3500 > Donate

Team Kenya at Imani Home of Love

Going to Kenya with our team was life-changing. We were able to bond as we travelled around the world to one of the most joy filled places on earth despite the poverty and hardships within the country.

A key memory for a lot of us was when we first entered Imani Home of Love, where we spent most of our time volunteering. The kids and staff all welcomed us with song and dance, and hugs. That was just the start of the love we were shown. Their love for each of us was incredible.

During our trip, we went on an outreach day. We visited some of the guardian’s homes of the children of Imani and got to bless people with some staple food items and listen to their stories. All the troubles the people had been through were heartbreaking, yet it was remarkable to see their faith and hope in God. The connections and relationships we made while we were there were so special and a real gift from the Lord.

We also had the opportunity to attend a couple different church services and witness how the Kenyan people worship and praise the Lord. We feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to experience a new culture while recognizing God is the same wherever we are.

All the places we went to ranging from the orphanage to the villages, churches, and the school we were shown love and joy. We got to be the hands and feet of Jesus and take part in wonderful kingdom work. We gained a whole new family while we were there that each of us will forever cherish. We also bonded incredibly as a team, with powerful worship times through studying the word of God, worship, and singing. We traveled home full hearts, new friendships, and great memories of shared experiences, jokes, and stories.

Team was led by Darryl and Corina Kropp
Anticipated fundraising target: $3500 > Donate

Per CRA guidelines, receipts are issued in the name of the payee (the cardholder): if paid personally, with a personal donation receipt, if paid by a business, with a business donation receipt. Charitable Registration Number: 10769 1065 RR0001

Funds raised in excess of a student’s fundraising target will be kept by the team until all the team’s expenses are covered, at which time the donation may be given to another team or Service Learning Initiative.  ALL donations made to the MEI Service Learning Program are non-refundable.  Per CRA guidance “A registered charity cannot return a donor’s gift.  At law, a gift transfers ownership from the donor to the charity.  Once the transfer is made, the charity is obliged to use the gift in carrying out its charitable purposes.”