
May 8, 2024

Mr. Jim Williams  •  English Teacher at MEI Secondary from 1999-2024

Question: “How has MEI impacted your life?”

Mr. Mark Thiessen (current MEI Secondary Principal) asked Mr. Williams to submit an answer to the question: “How has MEI impacted your life?” (75-100 words total). His answer is below, exactly as submitted. 

“So, seventy-five to a hundred words to describe a twenty-five-year MEI career, and by tomorrow? Thiessen, who assigns this kind of work? Oh, that’s right… I do. Emglish, drama, Literature 12, Creative Writing, basketball (provincials, Fraser Valley title), cross-country (provincials, Fraser Valley title), Missions: Thailand twice, Mexico twice, Costa Rica, and deepest, darkest Toronto, Literary Film Nights, Jane Austen Banquets, Burns with haggis and kilts, a pig’s head, THE CONCH, Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, and Bard on the Beach. Students, colleagues, students, administration. I’ll miss the people. Remember: Jesus loves you, and he likes you. Always proofread before submission.”

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Please take a moment and share a memory, or write Mr. Williams a note of thanks. Please include your name and the year of your graduating class. Add your photos, videos, and/or a written note >

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