Tuition Forms

2024-2025 Tuition Rates

GradesAnnual Tuition
Grade 12$8,975
Grade 9-11$8,425
Grade 6-8$7,325
Kindergarten-Grade 5$6,675

Family Discount – Families with more than one student that are of biological or legal relations (eg. share biological parent(s) or are legally adopted) at MEI receive a Family Discount. Deduct the percentage discount from the total tuition of all students in the family.

Students at MEI schoolsDiscount
Two Students10%
Three Students20%
Four or more Students28%

MEI Church Membership Discount – After tuition is calculated, less any Family Discount for multiple students, parents/legal guardians or students themselves who are members of a MEI Society Member Church receive a $700 discount per student. Deduct the Church Discount for each applicable student.

A charitable donation receipt for tax purposes will be issued on an annual basis for the portion of net tuition paid that pertains to religious instruction. The amount of this receipt varies from year to year and is calculated in accordance with the Canada Revenue Agency requirements.

Questions regarding submission or tuition payment instructions should be directed to

Tuition Example

(Family with two students and member of a MEI Society Church)

1. Total Annual Tuition
a. Grade 8$7,325
b. Grade 5$6,675
2. Less Family Discount
(10% for a family with 2 students)-$1,400
3. Less Supporting Church Discount
($700 per student if applicable)-$1,400
TOTAL Annual Tuition$11,200

2024-2025 Tuition Payment Policies

1. Tuition is invoiced monthly and is due on the 1st of each month (September – June). MEI Schools offers the following options:

  • Annual payment: Payment for the entire year can be made by preauthorized debit from your bank account or credit card September 1st.
  • Monthly payments: Payment can be made by preauthorized debit from your bank account and will be collected on the first day of each month (September to June).

Tuition Payment Agreement Forms are submitted at registration, carried forward and adjusted annually.

2. Changes to Tuition Agreement Forms must be submitted 10 business days before the next debit is scheduled.

3. Late payments and NSFs are subject to a $35 administration charge.

4. Students who transfer in before the 16th of the month will be charged a full month’s tuition. Those who transfer
in after the 15th of the month will be charged a half month’s tuition for that month.

5. Students who withdraw from MEI Schools must give 30 days’ notice or pay one month’s tuition in lieu of notice.

6. Tuition accounts are expected to be in good standing before payments for extra-curricular activities will be
accepted and applied towards those activities.

7. Continued failure to make payments on time may result in the student being asked to leave MEI Schools.

8. If a family is unable to comply with the above policies, they must communicate this to MEI Administration and
Finance Office and alternative arrangements may be made if extenuating circumstances exist.

9. Tuition rates and policies are updated annually and are available early June for the upcoming school year.