
February 15, 2023

40 Year Reunion June 22, 2024

June of 2023 was the realization that the next summer, June 2024, would be our 40th graduation anniversary! We have had a few reunions along the way, but 40 was definitely worth a celebration. First of all, how could it possibly be 40 already, where has the time gone, and secondly, what should we do to celebrate? A committee was formed (Bonnie, Crystal, Lyndell, Matt, Patti, Susan, Zena), and plans were made. We were blessed to have a group of 43 come to this event.

Saturday, June 22/24 (our convocation date 40 years ago) this group met at the MEI  in the afternoon, and went through the Secondary and Middle School. Thank you Denise, Peter and Sandra! A lot has changed in 40 yrs so it was great to meet in the foyer (last group to do so as the renovations will begin) and walk the halls again. It was difficult to keep this group moving as the conversations took over. There was lots of laughter as we reminisced about our memories there. Why did the girls always get the electric typewriters? Why does the library have security now? They have a room for yearbook? Look at that cafeteria! The lockers, the lounge spaces, the memories! 12 angry people! There was an impromptu doxology in the band room (grateful for the time we spent here many years ago) and LaVern’s recollection of Choir, singing the chorus of May There Always Be Sunshine, in Russian. Mr Neufeld would be so proud. Then to top it off, we got to see grad, Gary Funk’s classroom!

For some, seeing the old school brought up many amazing memories and for some, being there was difficult, but being there ‘together’, was so good.

Then we were off to our venue for dinner and the evening. What a wonderful setting with a vintage theme, thank you to Al and Susan Suderman. The food was great, but the fellowship was even better. So many conversations, as some grads had not been to a reunion yet and some see each other more often.

The snacks, food truck, vintage tour, 80s music and trivia game, kept us entertained and laughing. Thank you Matt for being our emcee.

Memories flowed throughout the day but were brought to life with the slide show of our high school years (thank you Bonnie and Lyndell)! How sweet to hear (and sing along to ) our grad song, Friends are Friends Forever, as the slide show came to a close. Many laugh at that song and think it’s a bit corny, but it was our song, and it has sentimental meaning for many of us.

As the evening went on, the conversations continued, no one wanted to leave. But hey, we’re not that young anymore so eventually the evening came to a close. As a committee, we are so grateful to those that were able to make it. Some grads we couldn’t find any contact information for, and some were unable to attend. We hope to stay in touch with many of you and I would encourage you to join our Facebook group, MEI Grad 1984 (re-watch the slide show and see more of the reunion photos and some oldies).

Until next time…


Previously Posted

Zena DeFehr & team is starting plans for a 40-year reunion on June 22, 2024.

  •  2-4pm tour at MEI Secondary
  • 4:30pm – evening: to include snacks, dinner and a great time of socializing

For more information, cost, and to confirm your attendance, please follow up by email

Ways to Connect
  1. Email to express interest in the reunion >
  2. Update your address and contact info with the MEI Alumni Office
  3. Subscribe to monthly MEI alumni E-news